[in English below]
Álgoálbmogiin lea vuoigatvuohta iešmearrideapmái dánsunláhttis. Dán vuoigatvuođa vuođul sii mearridit friddja iežaset lihkkastagaid, juoigangieđa leahtu, čikŋágasvuođa dási, sydis guoimmi ja guvssi sisdoalu. Sámi artistakollektiiva Article 3 buktá buoremus partybihttáid eamiálbmotmáilmmis iežaset DJ-settas ja vokalaovdanbuktimin.
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Indigenous Peoples have the right to self-determination on the dance floor. By virtue of that right they freely exercise their own moves and the yoikhand acceleration, and freely decide their blinglevel, dancepartner and guksicontent. The Sámi artist collective Article 3 brings the best party bangers from the Indigenous world in their DJ-set.
Vuosttaš álbmogat -klubba (engl. First Nations’ club) is a club focusing on new indig