Don doložis boahtá nuortalaččat siidačoahkkinvuogadat, mii bovdii buot siidda olbmuid čoahkkái dalle go dehálaš áššiin galggai mearriduvvot. Mearrádusaid dahke konsensus-prinsihpain, gaskkohagaid ain borastedje, jugistedje ja vuoiŋŋastalle, ahte mearrádusaid sáhtii dahkat olles mielain ja dárbbašlaš dieđuid vuođul.
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The age-old village council structure of the Skolt Sámi people summoned all villagers together when important decisions were to be made. The decisions were reached by consensus, with breaks in between for eating, drinking and rest, to ensure that everyone was safe and sound and had the sufficient information at hand to guide the decision making.
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Kultuvrra asehisvuohta ja láikivuohta doalaha kolonialaš vuogádagaid, nappo koloniserejeaddji kultuvrra? Duššadit, duššadit, duššadit, ja dasto boahtit jearrat rituálaid, dieđuid ja birgenvugiid birra. Ahte livččiigo vel juoga maid addit. Lean nu čađa váiban čilget, čuvgehit, vuovdalit dan jurdaga, ahte eallinbáikki oastin midjiide livččii buorre investeren, ii váldde maidige geasge.
–Pauliina Feodoroff
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“Is it the thinness and laziness of culture that upholds colonial structures, of the colonising culture? Destroy, destroy, destroy, and then show up to ask for rituals, knowledge, survival skills. As if to ask: Is there still something more you could take? I am so, so tired of explaining, educating, selling the thought that buying some living space for us is a good investment, harming no one.”
–Pauliina Feodoroff
Leat dorjon / Supported by: Kone Foundation
Ovttasbarggus / In collaboration with Konepajan Bruno