A musical based on Edith Hammar’s comic book. The performance asks the question, what homesickness does to the human and provides no answers.
My journey goes between dimension homesickness and dimension Viking Line
while travelling I try to relax in an A4 seaside standard cabin
who am I here?
We are on Glory, a fantasy version of the Sweden boats. They take sexual minorities across the Baltic Sea in search of opportunities to be themselves. But is Stockholm really a better option? And what can you do with the grief and tears that won’t stop? Together we remain, between dimensions, in a club, in a bathtub. We sing and dance and do soft, lovely, strange things with each other. We sing about homesickness, about desire and lust, about violence, about Stockmann clock, Tom of Finland and Homo Line.
Must the future be so fresh and profitable
and then, or now it feels as if
it feels like I’ve missed a lot of important things
Working group:
Performers: Vega Adsten, Josef Donner, Bella Buu, Niko Nordström, Malin Saine, Maria Skrudland, Romeo Ström, Willjam Tigerstedt, Selina Ukkonen, Edit Williams, Walter Öhman.
Music: Nicolas ”Leissi” Rehn
Props: working group
Director: Aune Kallinen
Choreography: Julian Owusu
Lighting design: Rasmus Strandell
Costume design: Ronja Syvälahti
Singing instructor: Stina Koistinen
The performance is based on Edith Hammar’s graphic novel Homo Line (2020)
A performance by the Swedish-speaking acting students of the Uniarts Theatre Academy Helsinki, directed by professor Aune Kallinen.