A group of performers has flown to an alder tree in the park of the former Lapinlahti hospital. The branches of the old tree host a croaking, loitering and finally disappearing flock. There is a rattle of a guitar and a melodic scraping of a grater.
Post Corpse or kraa kraa is a performance about violence and surviving it. It is a performance about crows living in the metropolitan area who have become unable to fly.
The performance celebrates the power of the body and anarchy.
Tuire Tuomisto is a director, actor and performer who deals with wide, often dark topics in her works through physical expression, different performance locations, contexts and spaces.
Working group:
Direction: Tuire Tuomisto
Sound Design: Markus Lindén
Light Design: Timo Torvinen
Costume Design: Ella Aresvuo
Performance: Salla Hakanpää, Noora Pasanen, Markus Lindén, Timo Torvinen, Tuire Tuomisto
Supporters: Kone Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Illustration: Terhi Tuomisto
Thank you: Puidenhoitajien Oy
Introduction text by Tuire Tuomisto