On the opening night of the festival, we immerse ourselves in music inspired by other animal species. Eilien has composed music for cows and cranes, as well as composed music with the help of a programmed imaginary thrush bird. The goddess of ambient music Pink-187 plays songs from her archives that are inspired by songs of other animal species.
Eilien combines text-based coding, field recordings and their own voice. Their debut album Digital Lovers was released 2021. Music for cows and cranes, as well as music with imaginary thrush bird have been heard on Eläinharha -radio essay (Yle, 2023).
Alex Andra Rekola is a Helsinki based artist, writer and an activist. Her work focuses mainly in the fields of music, culture, gender and politics. She has been actively releasing music and being part of different interdisciplinary projects under the alias Pink-187.
In collaboration with Mad House Helsinki.
The concert is part of the international Radio that Matters project, which focuses on performing arts, radiophony, and acoustic inclusivity. The Creative Europe pilot project is a collaboration between Baltic Circle, Short Theatre Festival (IT), Festival Parallelen (FR), Errand Sound (DE), Radio Papessa (IT), and PAV (IT), and it builds partnerships between local radios, artists, and organizations promoting cultural diversity.